Out beyond ideas of should-doing and must-doing is a place we can play.

I'll meet you there.

Do you love the idea of having the autonomy of running your own business, but feel overwhelmed by how icky and/or overwhelming running a business feels? I get it. 

There’s a secret you should know about business: it’s all made up.

There really is no officially right way to do it. There are a few official things you need to do, but they are minimal. Everything else is up to you. Which means you can make your business as unique as you are. It can be big and loud, or it can be small and slow and quiet. It can be personal and relational, or it can be automated, or a little of both. It’s up to you.
female red-haired wizard cartoon character grinning while siting at desk typing on laptop

Hi, I’m Emma, the resident wizard here at Sparkle Questing.

You can find business and productivity advice all over the internet. What I offer is an approach that insists that whatever we do be healthy, joy-producing, and bring us alive—and not require us to compromise our health or wellbeing or authenticity or ethics.

If you’re into authenticity, autonomy, growth, play, and lots of quirky metaphors, you’ll fit right in here. If you’re overwhelmed, exhausted, and burnt out, I see you and I’m rooting for you.

I am rooting for all of us to create the life we want and need and that sustains us and each other. And I know how f*ing hard that is to accomplish sometimes. But I’m here to work on making it easier for all of us, together.

What’s next? I’m just getting started with building out content, but for now, you can read more about me, or scroll down to read articles and sub to the newsletter.

Wizard rabbit holding wand

Weekly Wizarding Tips

Stay in the loop with what I'm doing around here. No fluff. (I am allergic to it). No endless product launches. Just straightforward guidance to help you on your business-your-own-way journey.

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Bear in wizard clothes in a market stall selling his wears.
September 8, 2023

Not Icky: The Ethical & Healthy Business Mindset

My favorite reframes that I use to maintain my autonomy to choose for myself how I engage with business….

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